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Women’s Ministry

The role of women in the Methodist Church has evolved over time, and there are various aspects to women's ministry within the Church. The Methodist Church acknowledges the unique gifts and contributions that women bring to the Church's mission and continues to consider how to further integrate them into various aspects of Church life.   |  Tel: 9881457928

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Youth Ministry

Methodist Church youth ministry focuses on engaging young people within the Church community, providing them with opportunities for spiritual growth, education, service, and fellowship.   |  Tel: 9881457928

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Men's Ministry

A men's ministry is a group or program within a church that is specifically designed to minister to the needs of men. The ministry is focused on helping men grow in their faith, develop healthy relationships with other men, and become better leaders in their homes, churches, and communities.   |  Tel: 9881457928

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Music Ministry

Methodist Church music ministry is a crucial element of worship that enriches the liturgical experience and engages the congregation in prayer and praise. It contributes to the spiritual and emotional engagement of the congregation, helping to uplift hearts and minds in prayer and praise.   |  Tel: 9881457928

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